Saturday, July 27, 2013

20 Things I've Been Doing While I haven't Been Doing Anything

  1. Watched Dr. Who. Lots of it.
  2. Played video games with Jesse: Minecraft, Castle Crashers, and 'Splosian Man.
  3. Went to Boy Scouts. BOY SCOUTS.
  4. Met Micheal and Brian.
  5. Went to Micheal and Brian's houses.
  6. Took out the garbage...a lot.
  7. Cleaned the bathroom.
  8. Made my bed.
  9. Helped with favorite new recipe: Taco Cornbread Casserole
  10. Went to Church.
  11. Drew a Dr. Who picture or two.
  12. Played Catch-Me-If-You-Can with Oliver.
  13. Oliver's Birthday Party.
  14. Babysat Oliver at home by myself.
  15. Drank a lot of yogurt drinks.
  16. Slept without a nightlight. The door has stayed open, though.
  17. Heard a lot of new music that I favorite new bands: Florence and the Machine, Hot Hot Heat, Muse
  18. Tried new fruits...coconut, Lychee, Dragonfruit, and some others I don't remember
  19. Ran in the rain...every time it rained.
  20. Missed you all at home a little bit everyday.

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